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On March 4, President Obama submitted his $3.9 trillion fiscal year (FY) 2015 budget request to Congress. His plan outlines the Administration’s overall fiscal policy and federal program priorities for the FY that will begin on October 1, 2014. Included in the budget are funding requests for all federal executive departments and independent agencies.

As in prior years, ADvancing States conducted a preliminary analysis of the President’s budget request on the day of its release. This report, which will be updated as additional information continues to become available, includes agency-specific breakdowns of the proposed funding levels, with a focus on initiatives of particular interest to the aging and disability communities, as well as next steps in the federal budget process. In addition, ADvancing States created a draft budget chart, which compares proposed, final, and enacted funding levels for key health programs.

To access the President’s proposed budget, please click here.
To view ADvancing States’s Preliminary Analysis of the President’s FY15 budget request, please click here.
To view ADvancing States’s Draft FY15 Budget Chart, please click here.