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ADvancing States has submitted comments in response to the notice of information collection activities issued by the Administration for Community Living (ACL) at 82 F.R. 13457 on March 13, 2017. ADvancing States represents the 56 officially designated state and territorial agencies on aging and disabilities. Each of our members oversees the implementation of the Older Americans Act (OAA), and many also serve as the operating agency in their state for Medicaid waivers that serve older adults and individuals with disabilities. Together with our members, we work to design, improve, and sustain state systems delivering home and community based services and supports for people who are older or have a disability and for their caregivers.

The notice includes changes to the National Survey of OAA participants, which is an important tool that is used by states for a variety of purposes. This includes understanding the population served; identifying issues with the health and well-being of participants; and informing policymakers as they plan and allocate resources for individuals. ADvancing States and our members believe that the survey is a valuable resource, and we commend ACL for extending the data collection activities.

Click here to read ADvancing States' comments.