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Since the OAA expired in 2011, ADvancing States has sought a bicameral, bipartisan reauthorization process that both strengthens and modernizes the Act. We are asking the same of the 113th Congress, and encourage you to make your voice heard! Help spread the word about the need for a timely reauthorization throughout your state and local networks, and reach out to your Members of Congress to educate them about the importance of the Act in your state. For more information, please see ADvancing States' Aging In America Campaign page.

Earlier this year, Sen. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Chairman of the Senate HELP Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging, introduced legislation to reauthorize the Older Americans Act (OAA), the Older Americans Act Amendments of 2013 (S. 1028). During the OAA Summit held in conjunction with the bill's introduction, Sen. Sanders highlighted the importance of a timely reauthorization, noting that "With 10,000 Americans turning 65 every day, our country's growing population of seniors includes many who rely on these critical programs to help them stay in their own homes and communities."

ADvancing States applauds Sen. Sanders for his leadership in championing OAA reauthorization in the 113th Congress, and we appreciate the introduction of S.1028 as a significant step towards meeting this goal. We look forward to working with Sen. Sanders and his colleagues to advance a meaningful, productive reauthorization process.

To read a fact sheet on the bill, click here.
To read the bill, click here.
An archived video stream of the May 23 OAA Summit is available here.
To read ADvancing States' statement on the bill, please click here.