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Mission Statement provides program developers, policy makers, researchers, funding organizations, advocacy groups, and others engaged in system change across the country with timely access to information, tools, data, and state-produced resources on promising practices. With the assistance from, states are provided with tools in creating programs and practices to assist older adults and people with disabilities in living in the most appropriate setting. The shared research and materials on the site allows states, advocates, and researchers to gain an understanding on the vast number of programs and options available.

About Us

ADvancing States is firmly committed to improving state long term services and supports systems for older adults and people with disabilities and their caregivers. ADvancing States has adopted to provide high quality, accurate, non-partisan and timely information. State agencies, researchers and policy makers benefit from the exchange of information ideas and tools that improve long term services and supports systems.

Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) allow people who would otherwise be institutionalized, such as older adults or persons with disabilities, to live in their own home and community through programs developed through Medicaid or other state funding streams. is the premier clearinghouse promoting the development and expansion of home and community-based services by gathering resources and tools for research, policy making and program development into a one-stop online library. was developed and maintained by staff at the Boston College Graduate School of Social Work from 2000-2012. For over thirteen years, has been the standard Clearinghouse cataloging promising practices and reports on evidence based programs: an invaluable resources encouraging state to state sharing. Throughout its history, has had a number of funders, including support from the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, as well as to a Corporate Sponsorship Program. Because of ADvancing States' commitment to home and community-based services and our dedication to our members, as well as the larger community sharing resources, we began working with Boston College to transfer the Clearinghouse for Home and Community Based Services to our organization. ADvancing States has begun to look for sponsors to support this valuable resource and to assist in enhancing and expand the Clearinghouse.

By facilitating the sharing of information, we hope to empower professionals to be more effective in supporting choice and independence for older adults and people with disabilities.